Thursday, June 14, 2007

How to cut cake...?

This Sunday morning I brought one rectangular (cuboid for the puritans) cake. Me and my kid brother decided to divide the cake in two equal parts in evening. So I kept the cake in fridge.

In noon my neighbor's daughter came( No need to say she is very fond of Cake) cut a rectangular piece from cake....

In eve Sonu ( my brother) found the a rectangular piece of cake is missing . And since we have to divide cake in two equal parts, How can he divide cake in exact two equal parts in single cut?

please help him :)


Vikas said...

The cut (plane) should pass through the center of the two rectangles: the outer cake and the inner hollow area. Since any plane passing through the center of the cuboid will divide the volume in two halves, both the cake and hollow area are divided into two equal halves.

Unknown said...

he should cut the cake through the hollow rectangle diagonally to get two equal parts :)

Kunal Kushwaha said...

Sahi jawab :)

Subhajit Kundu said...

Well, there is a corner case to the agreed solution. You just mentioned that your neighbour's daughter made a rectangular cut from the cake. You don't mention how big or Small the cut is. What if the cut is as big as the cake itself? I mean what if it spans the whole cake? So, the boundary condition is your brother doesn't have a cake at-all to make his cut. Poor guy! :-)